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Welcome to UAH

Welcome to UAH, a place for artists and hand made crafters to meet and sell their works far and wide.
From our gallery in Ulverston we host many exhibitions throughout the year.

We will promise to uplift your spirits through the visual expression of art and photography.

Become a vendor and sell your works directly from our website with our new multi vendor platform.

Have a Question?

Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 5:00 24A Cavendish Street, Ulverston, Cumbria. LA12 7AD 0736 6606 218

Month: February 2020

Evening classes at UAH

Ulverston Art House is running evening workshops for artists looking to improve their artistic skills. From novice to expert you can join our growing community to advance and expand in our vibrant art space.

Life Drawing

In April there will be the opportunity to join a life drawing group on Thursday evenings. Life drawings offer a unique chance of developing your drawing skills like no other method can. Those who do attend regular life drawing sessions tend to be the ones who become far more skilled as artists as they hone their visual observations into 2D draft. email